For those of you who missed the parade, let me share a look at that day. Three cars lined up to participate as the Hanover Historical Society’s contribution to the parade. A 1929 model A Roadster pickup truck driven by Dick Baughman led us off. Next we had a 1939 Austin “Big Seven” with four doors from England driven by Garlan Hoskin. Benjamin Hoskin drove the third car, a 1951 Alvin TC21 Drop Head Coupe from England. Drivers touted their car horns and the crowd waved back at us.
Our re-enactors were the following: Eleazar Wheelock was portrayed by Charles Buell of the Church of Christ at Dartmouth College. (Hanover was chartered by Governor Benning Wentworth on July 4, 1761 and Wheelock established Dartmouth College in 1769.) Wheelock’s housekeeper was portrayed by Sue Reed. Heidi Hoskin is pictured here with the re-enactors.
Then we jumped to the next century with Daniel Webster portrayed by Bill Hammond, a beloved retired teacher from Hanover High School. His character rode a unicycle and juggled at the same time.
We all arrived at the Dartmouth Green where Alan Callaway, a Board member, had set up a table with some of our books to give away. We have many books about the cottage and old homes that the public appreciated. Also, Susan Boyle, another board member, had created many visuals from old photos to surround the table. A good time was had by all.