On Saturday, September 21 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Dena Rueb Romero discussed her new book, All for You: A World War II Family Memoir of Love, Separation, and Loss and showed photos that her father took of scenes in Hanover, NH during the war years. Some of the photos show military training on the Dartmouth Green and there are many snow sculpture postcards.
Dena’s parents’ story is quite moving and authentic. Her father was the son of a successful German Jewish realtor and businessman, but as she describes in the book, the Nazi regime made life intolerable for the family in Germany. Her mother was a well-regarded children’s nurse from a large Lutheran family and she left Germany for a childcare job in England. Their letters describe their efforts to reunite and bring family to America. The residents in Hanover helped her father, Emil, all through the years of separation with his photography business at the Camera Shop of Hanover.
Dena signed books at Webster Cottage and left her photos up for the rest of the season. People who visit the cottage will see the exhibit until we close in mid October.